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5 Ways to Prevent Burnout

Estimated reading time ~ 2 min
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What is burnout?

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion that leads to excessive amounts of stress due to overworking. As burnout continues, it leads to being unmotivated and losing interest in work and even liesure activities. The most difficult attribute of burnout is that oftentimes, people don't even realize they are experiencing it until they have reached an extreme level of stress. The negative affects of burnout lead to challenges in various aspects of peoples lives, work, social life, home, etc. It can even cause physiological consequences. It's not only important to help and prevent these types of effects, but it's also important to be able to identify them.

First, you must ask yourself, "am I stressed?" We're constantly focused on the world around us and we forget to ask ourselves important questions about our mental health, which is just as important as physical health. When was the last time you meditated or gave yourself a break? Research shows that the average person cannot identify when they are experiencing stress. According to a recent survey, 77 percent of people experience stress that affects their physical health and 73 percent of people have stress that impacts their mental health.

Most of us have days when we feel helpless, unappreciated, and undervalued, which, a lot of the times, can lead to burnout. It's always a good time to evaluate your mental health status. A few people from the Jopwell team have shared ways that they are monitoring their stressors in order to prevent burnout. Continue reading to learn how you can apply some of these strategies.

1. Give yourself some "me time"

Whether you are working from home or going into an office a few days a week, try waking up earlier than you need to start work. Give yourself some personal time to prepare for the day so the first thing you are doing in the morning isn't checking emails. Try stretching, listening to music, or even reading a book you enjoy.

2. Self Reflection is important

When you are feeling underappreciated, try thinking about how far you've come and the accomplishments you've made this year or last year. Celebrating your wins not only feels great physically, it also reinforces the positive attitude and behavior you want to have show up when you face a new challenge or opportunity.

3. Talk to someone

Try reaching out to people who you feel most comfortable with. It can be your manager, a friend, a relative. Make sure you are giving yourself the opportunity to express your feelings in safe spaces.

4. Take breaks

Sometimes your brain needs a break, and you deserve it. After you've completed a task, treat yourself with a 15-20 minute power nap or walk outside.

5. Build a healthy environment

Make sure that your work area brings you productivity and joy. An office that is well arranged should be able to provide a comfortable working place. Research shows that decorating your office or desk can positively impact your mood.

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